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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-04-19

In vitro cellular correlates in allograft recipients

Exploitable results

Research was carried out in order to find tests to predict the risk of organ rejection or graft versus host diseases (GvHD) after bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and to study the mechanisms of action of new immunosuppressive compounds or manoeuvres. The primary approach involves using recipient blood cells or cells extracted directly from the grafts (rejection/tolerance) or skin (GvHD) to study their characteristics and functions in vitro. Abnormal immune repertoire were found after BMT and the role of minor histocompatiblity antigens studied. In recipients of organ grafts, IL2, CD25 and CD69 transcripts have been found predictive of rejection. Human TH1 and TH2 clones have been described and immortalized by viruses,their role in acute or borderline kidney rejection episodes have been studied. The effect of treatmennet by monoclonal antibodies against adhesion molecules (LFA1, CD2)and HLA-derived peptides have been studied.

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