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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-27

Influence of microflora on heavy metal cycles and water quality


The bio-geo-interaction group is a main partner in a nationally funded research programme using the specific characteristics of the former uranium mining site (Wismut area) to investigate transport mechanisms between geo-, hydro- and biosphere. However, the ecology of the habitat is not investigated and this is a point which needs immediate attention if not molecular mechanisms are to be studied in systems that have no relevance in nature. This microbiological project at the interface of geosciences and biology has to be initiated with new competence from abroad which can not be generated from within the bio-geo-interaction group alone. Therefore, the impact of the proposed research is rated extremely valuable for the scientific competitiveness of the geo-bio-interaction research in the Jena region and will help us to attract fututre funding from national and international sources.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Winzerlaer strasse 10
07745 JENA

See on map

Total cost
No data