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Content archived on 2024-05-24

Integration of 3D Body Measurement, Advanced CAD and E-Commerce Technologies in the European Fashion Industry


E-TAILOR will develop advanced infrastructures, which will establish a new paradigm for Virtual retailing services of customised clothing (AL II.3.3- personalisation of goods and services, AL IV.4.1 real-time clothing simulation and visualisation).

The work programme comprises:
.a European Sizing Infrastructure, that will contribute to the solution of the sizing problem;
.an advanced Customised Clothing Infrastructure, enabling the production and distribution of custom-made garments at reasonable prices, in short time and with a close to perfect fit;
.an innovative Virtual Shopping Infrastructure, enabling customers to visualise themselves wearing clothes on offer at e-kiosks and Internet shops;
.generic body representations and standards;
.smart-card applications, securing data privacy.

Dissemination will be effected trough User Groups (Core Group, External Group), via the Dissemination network of Euratex, as well as through Workshops and a Conference. The Consortium will seek support for the financing of a large-scale European-wide Sizing survey, which will make use of the Infrastructure developed in WP4 (ESSI).

E-TAILOR will develop advanced infrastructures, which will establish a new paradigm for Virtual retailing services of customised clothing (AL II.3.3- personalisation of goods and services, AL IV.4.1 real-time clothing simulation and visualisation).

Work description:
The work programme comprises
- a European Sizing Infrastructure, that will contribute to the solution of the sizing problem
- an advanced Customised Clothing Infrastructure, enabling the production and distribution of custom-made garments at reasonable prices, in short time and with a close to perfect fit.
- an innovative Virtual Shopping Infrastructure, enabling customers to visualise themselves wearing clothes on offer at e-kiosks and Internet shops
- Generic body representations and standards
- Smartcard applications, securing data privacy

M1: End of Specification-Demonstrator phase (M12) - Business Framework defined, Global Specification Document, Demonstrators - Deliverables D1-D7
M2: Mid of Development Phase (M24) - Standards (3D body data, EDI, system independent meas. S/W), Core European Sizing Infrastructure, Intelligent CAD Modules (pattern alteration, morphology) - Deliverables D8-D13
M3: End of Development Phase (M28) - Smartcard, Shape Analysis, Clothing Simulation, MTM Internet ERP applications - Deliverables D14-D18
M4: End of integration Phase (M36) - Integrated prototype installations, component testing, chain tests, Evaluation, TIP

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (15)