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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-24

Distant learning brokerage environment for life long training of individuals with emphasis in socially excluded communities

Risultati finali

The HOPE system is an eLearning platform developed specifically for improving the learning process of socially excluded people. The HOPE system is an intuitive, flexible and easy-to-use tool that opens a whole new concept of education within prisons. HOPE helps by improving pedagogic and social objectives of the prison environment. It is a far from the usual concept of education within prisons. HOPE has had a great impact on trainees, their behaviours and attitudes. It improves trainees’ knowledge and skills, increases trainee motivation and interest in e Learning, fortifying a sense of responsibility and reinforcing their self-esteem. More information on the HPE project can be found at

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