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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-15

Architecture engineering in the tomato


Greenhouse production of tomatoes is a key agricultural activity in several European countries. Although traditional breeding has led to the generation of high yielding tomato varieties, several unresolved problems reduce efficiency, e.g. side shoots have to be manually removed because they reduce yield from the main stem, and the non-uniformity of flowering results in non-uniform fruit development and hence of quality. The consequences are increased labour costs, increased risk of disease, and increased use of agrochemicals. Classical breeding will never be able to resolve all these issues. The OPTOMIZE project will optimise tomato plant architecture for greenhouse growth and in parallel will increase flavour and health benefits of fresh tomatoes by the targeted manipulation of key endogenous regulatory molecules controlling these processes. OPTOMIZE will therefore provide benefits to the grower, in terms of providing genotypes better adapted to the requirements of the greenhouse, and to the consumer, who will be able to enjoy the benefits of tastier tomato with excellent health-promoting characteristics.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
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Total cost
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Participants (6)