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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-04-19

Mobile Experimental Broadband Interconnection Using Satellites


The project focuses on key applications for fully mobile, world-wide broadband communications which are only possible via satellite communications. The approach chosen is applicable to any region lacking the appropriate terrestrial network infrastructure, and marine use. Voice, data, still and motion video are supported in an integrated multimedia arrangement. The aim is to demonstrate viable services at tariffs no more than twice that for (analogue) satellite telephony.
The research focuses on key applications for fully mobile broadband communication on a world wide scale. This kind of universal coverage can only be provided by a satellite communication network. The research addresses applications that may be supported using space segments available today, or emerging during the course of the research. An example is provision of support to a ship's crew from a shore side service centre, to solve unexpected technical problems related to ship machinery, medical or environmental matters and other emergencies. The chosen approach may be applied to any region lacking the appropriate terrestrial network infrastructure (ie construction sites or industrial plants in deserted, rural or underdeveloped regions).

Voice, data, still and (compressed) full motion video are supported in an integrated multimedia arrangement. The objective was to demonstrate viable services at communication tariffs which do not markedly exceed those for ordinary telephone calls (to fully mobile users).

The research has resulted in the detailed specification of 3 pilot applications:
remote assistance to a water dam construction in Greece;
remote monitoring for a bow loading oil cargo vessel in Finland;
a containerized version of a support station for acceptance test runs of newly built ships.
Preliminary results are available on the feasibility investigation of a short range digital radio link for increased usage flexibility for the multimedia application on board.
Technical Approach

Transmission is based on the 'High Speed Data' option of the Inmarsat satellite network giving world-wide coverage for mobile users at duplex 64kbit/s, later extended to n x 64 kbit/s (n less than or equal to 6) in an asymmetric duplex configuration. For the broadband option European public ground earth satellite stations are connected to ISDN providing mobile access to any ISDN subscriber (n x 64 kbit/s presently limited to reserve mode). Mobile-to-mobile communication is provided by connecting two such space segments via ISDN.

Application flexibility and user acceptance are enhanced by the development of a 64 kbit/s (later n x 64 kbit/s) extension radio link between the satellite terminal and the area to be monitored (e.g. the ship's engine room below the water-line). This avoids the costly local area cable network.

Key Issues

- Preparation and testing of the pilot application of Inmmarsat High Speed Data capability connected to ISDN
- Extension to mobile-to-mobile communication by connecting sequential space segments via ISDN and allowing full multimedia functionalities.
- Extension to n x 64 kbit/s interfaces.
- Realisation of a radio link between a satellite terminal and a multimedia station
- Development/adaptation of multimedia conferencing tools for the addressed marine and terrestrial applications.
- Set-up and integration of a containerised mobile satellite and multimedia stations for marine and terrestrial use.
- Application scenario demonstrations and the assessment of user acceptance and market trends.

Expected Impact

Recent terminals of the 18000 mobile Standard-A ship terminals in use world-wide may be retrofitted with the new data communications option. For new equipment the extra costs for this option are rather modest. User and press reaction to the various demonstrations is encouraging. It is therefore expected that the new service and application areas will find a market within the relatively short term. Recently a leading supplier of diesel engines started to offer their customers remote assistance via broadband multimedia communication according to the MOEBIUS concept.


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Convocatoria de propuestas

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Régimen de financiación

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Entwicklungszentrum für Maritime und Industrielle Technik GmbH
Aportación de la UE
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Stresemannstraße 46
27570 Bremerhaven

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Coste total
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Participantes (11)