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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2022-12-23

Digital medical imaging: optimazation of the dose for the examination. (Studies in QA, dosimetry, optimazation, tolerances and limiting values)


This additional proposal for participation of groups from poland and Albania in the project "Digital Medical Imaging: optimization of the Dose for the Examination", is based directly on the original project. As pointed out in the original summary fluoroscopy and digital imaging in Western Europe now account for about 25% of the total dose from medical radiation. Within this investigation of the gastrointestinal tract constitute a major sub-component. The two additional proposers bring to the project very differing backgrounds and approaches from Central/Eastern European Countries. While the pattern of practice and investigation in poland is somewhat different to that in Western Europe, it is nevertheless parallel in its present line of development, and hence will offer an interesting and valuable adjunct to the studies being undertaken within the present co-ordination group. On the other hand the pattern of practice and investigation in Albania is radically different from that in the West, with the frequency of fluoroscopic examinations been apparently much higher, and the technical factors that are commonly used also giving significantly higher doses/exam. For example fluoroscopy of the thorax area may be over 10 times higher than in the West, the technical factors used are significantly different, and the acceptable level of performance of equipment is probably radically lower. Thus the population doses resulting from examinations conducted within this framework would be significantly different from those extrapolated from the West.
This project proposes to investigate the scale and scope of fluoroscopic practice. It proposes to study within the methodology and system of reporting which has been established within the present Co-Ordination Group. From this the particular investigations of technique, patient and staff dosimetry, etc. set out in the objectives below will be undertaken for both poland and Albania. The results of these investigations will be used to develop optimization strategies which should identify particular steps that have the largest impact on patient/staff dose, and improve image quality and diagnostic yield. This will obviously require attention to referral, radiological technique, machine technique factors, education and training of staff, and write-off of equipment.

Convocatoria de propuestas

Data not available

Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Federated Dublin Volontary Hospital
Aportación de la UE
Sin datos
Garden Hill House
8 Dublin

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Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (2)