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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-04-16

Vegetable oils for innovation in chemical industries


The objective of this project is to evaluate some economically feasible industrial oil crops for the chemical industry. The research conducted in VOICI involves the total production line including plant breeding, primary production, agrotechnology (oil mills) and evaluation and application of a range of plant oils.
The objectives of this project is to evaluate some economically feasible industrial oil crops for the chemical industries. The research conducted in VOICI involves the total production column, including plant breeding, primary production, agrotechnology (oil mills), and evaluation and application of a range of plant oils. The perspectives of further agricultural development of Crambe abyssinica and Dimorphotheca pluvialis are very promising. There are clear indications that agronomy and breeding can contribute towards an increase of the seed yields of these 2 crops. The development of Limnanthes alba is difficult and complicated.
Analytical methods for the assessment of oil characteristics have been further developed, as have extraction methods. The production of Crambe oil was conducted without problems, but oil recoveries of Dimorphotheca pluvialis were not satisfactory. The assessment of the oils made by the industrial partners revealed that the 3 VOICI oils do have potential. The partners indicate that the results so far obtained justify continuation of their R&D work. It is too early to predict future commercialization of these oil crops but some are looking promising.
The agronomy and breeding of Limnanthes alba, Crambe abyssinica and Dimorphotheca pluvialis will be studied and the crops established by farmers with a view to providing raw material for oil production on a large, precommercial scale. This will allow optimization of the processing of these crops and provide samples of sufficient size for the participants from the chemical industry. The oils will be evaluated for the production of oleochemicals (amides, dimers), lubricants, resins and lacquers and to provide information on how to improve the agronomy and oil production technology for these crops. The utility of meadow foam oil for the cosmetics industry will also be tested.

The expected outcome from this project is manifold and spreads over the entire production chain. The primary production end should have more knowledge of the management of these new or unconventional crops and a good estimation of the potential yield and quality will be possible. The processing of these crops into oils of industrial quality will be carried out and experience will be gained on the process technology necessary. A wide range of potential chemical end uses will be evaluated for the oils and very useful information be provided regarding their use as lubricants, additives, hydraulic fluids, lubricating greases, thickener components, resins and lacquers. For certain prototype products their environmental parameters will be tested and an assessment of the economic feasibility and potential market size will be made.


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Convocatoria de propuestas

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Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


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Participantes (8)