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Content archived on 2024-06-16

Hybrid hydrogen - carbon dioxide separation systems


The main goal of this project is the development of a hybrid membrane/ Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) H2/CO2 separation process, which will be a part of a fossil fuel de-carbonization process used for the pre-combustion CO2 capture. Methane steam reformin g is currently the major route for hydrogen production and will be employed as a model case. High purity hydrogen (99.99+%) is usually recovered from the reformate by using a PSA process. A typical PSA waste gas stream (CO2~55%, H2~35%, CH4 & CO~ 15%) is not usually recycled since it has to be recompressed to the PSA feed pressure for recovering only a small fraction of the recycled hydrogen. Furthermore, it cannot be used for CO2 sequestration since it contains significant amounts of H2 and CH4. A hybr id process is expected to combine the high throughput and H2 product purity of a PSA process with the lower operating costs of a membrane process. It is expected to enhance the overall H2 recovery and provide an H2-free CO2 stream ready for capture and seq uestration. To achieve this goal in the proposed R&D project, the following scientific tasks have been identified: *Generation of transport and adsorption data for H2/CO2 multicomponent mixtures (CH4, H2O, CO) for well characterized membrane and sorben t materials *Development and improvement of membrane and PSA separation models *Design and optimization of membrane, PSA and hybrid separation systems using the improved models developed *Component design for the manufacture of a lab-scale hybrid separatio n system prototype *Assessment of the hybrid separation process sustainability and impact on the environment based on a life cycle analysis approach The following possible innovations are foreseen as an outcome of this project: *H2 recovery improvement *Si mplification of PSA operation (reduction of steps) without loss of recovery and product purity *Co-production of high purity H2 and CO2 streams *Development of improved membrane and sorbent materials

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
No data
Total cost
No data

Participants (6)