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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-25

Interfacial Materials - Computational and Experimental Multi-Scale Studies


INCEMS is a mulitdisciplinary team of leading EU experts in modelling and experiment together with indispensable US partners. It proposes to predict the complex properties of industrially relevant multifunctional ceramics with nanometre-scaled intergranu lar films (IGF) by investigating and tailoring the materials phenomena governing the complex behavior resulting from electric fields, mechanical stress, and interactions with different chemical environments. By using computational modelling at different length scales, from ab initio to continuum, we will analyse the stability, structure and composition of IGFs including the effect of chemical doping to identify conditions under which transient IGFs are formed during processing and provide strategies so that they can be modified or eliminated by an appropriate heat treatment to provide optimal electrical and mechanical resistance for devices performance and durability. A new type of phase diagrams, an interfacial phase diagramme, that includes the equil ibrium properties of defects, such as the thickness of interfacial films, will be established as a general tool for designers of materials and processes. By using the predictive models developed by the INCEMS consortium it will be possible to efficiently optimize existing ceramic-based devices and to develop completely new ones with higher functional density and new device application.

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Participantes (6)