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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

Language technology for eLearning


Given the huge amount of static and dynamic content created for eLearning tasks, the major challenge for extending their use is to improve the effectiveness of retrieval and accessibility by making use of Learning Management Systems (LMS).

The LT4eL project will tackle this problem by providing Language Technology based functionalities to support semi-automatic metadata generation, for the description of the learning objects, on the basis of a linguistic analysis of the content. Semantic knowledge will be integrated to enhance the management, distribution and retrieval of the learning material. Ontologies, key elements in the architecture of the Semantic Web initiative, will be used to structure the learning material within LMSs, by means of the descriptive metadata.

These functionalities will be integrated in an open source LMS and will be extended to cover the nine languages represented by our consortium. Special attention will be given to support the languages of the New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries. The approach will thus support the linguistic diversity of the enlarged Europe, contributing to the dissemination of eLearning content for these languages by creating opportunities for multilingual virtual learning communities and by providing technologies for their support. The validation methodology suitable for investigating the impact of these new functionalities on the learning experience in a multilingual context will be provided.

The integration of these functionalities will facilitate the construction of user specific courses, will allow direct access of knowledge, will improve the creation of personalized content and will support decentralization and co-operation of content management.

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Partecipanti (11)