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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2022-12-23

Generation and dissemination of accurate mass and retention time tag databases in the context of collaborative high throughput quantitative proteomics experiments


There is a crucial need in clinical biology for new technologies allowing very high-throughput identification and quantification of proteins. The AMT tag methodology is an answer to this need. This method is based on the use of highly accurate masses obtained by FTICR and retention times from nanoLC separations of proteolytic peptides. It allows the identification and quantification of thousands of proteins per analysis in an hour time frame. The project is aimed at developing novel approaches for AMT tag proteomics in the context of collaborative inter-laboratories projects utilizing diverse instrumental platforms for their future application in biomarkers discovery. The specific project's objective is to elaborate protocols that will allow to compute the equivalence between experimental results obtained on distinct instrumental platforms by using standard peptides or protein mixtures, and to evaluate the confidence of the database translation. During the course of this study, we plan to integrate alternative ion dissociation methods (e.g. ECD) in order to increase the proteome coverage and incorporate post-translational modifications into the AMT tag approach. The methodology will subsequently be applied to create a 'Urinary Proteome Database' that will be shared with the proteomics community to enable research on the urinary proteome. The project realization will be undertaken through the concerted efforts of a consortium, the members of which were previously closely collaborating in the areas of mass spectrometry development, proteomics, and clinical biology. One of the most promising applications of proteomics in clinical studies involves the search for early disease protein markers. Following this milestone work, we will make the 'Urinary Proteome Database' available for biomarkers discovery in urine for laboratories worldwide.


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Participantes (4)