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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Magma Ascent Mathematical Modelling and Analysis


Volcanism is a strategic issue for Europe. Within the European Union there are several examples of volcanoes that directly threaten the lives of millions of people and advancing scientific and technological capabilities, such as computer models to simulate volcanic processes is a key challenge. The main goal of project MAMMA is to understand, through mathematical, numerical and physical models, how conduit processes and conduit geometry control volcanic unrest and eruption characteristics. The proposed work combines the skill of the applicant, a mathematician with a wide range of experience in multiphase flow modelling, with a training and research program aimed to extend during the outgoing phase his knowledge in several new methodologies and techniques from laboratory experiments, petrologic analysis and eruptive product collected in field trips. The applicant will have the opportunity to be trained in the School of Earth and Space Exploration of the Arizona State University (USA), home of a vibrant volcanology and planetary science community, and his activity in the outgoing phase will be carried out under the guide of Prof. Amanda Clarke. The return host of the research project is the Italian "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia", the largest European body dealing with research in geophysics and volcanology and the Scientist in Charge and Supervisor of the return phase will be Dr. Augusto Neri, whose experience in physical-mathematical modelling of volcanic processes perfectly fits the proposed project. The development of new magma ascent computer models, adequately validated with laboratory experiments and data, not only will contribute to the competitiveness and excellence of the European Union in volcanological research and risk assessment, but it will also create a mutually beneficial co-operation between Europe and United States.

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Aportación de la UE
€ 190 933,70
Via di Vigna Murata 605
00143 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Contacto administrativo
Augusto Neri (Dr.)
Coste total
Sin datos