Current activities of project “BOOSTING BALTIC FP6”
Project “Boosting Baltic FP6” is based on the cooperation of Scanbalt, Steinbeis Transferzentrum, VINNOVA from Sweden and the 4 new EU member countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland in order to facilitate mutual exchange and learning process for successful participation in Framework programme projects for research and technology development. “Boosting Baltic FP6” constitutes and integrated set of networking, training and coaching measures covering two target groups: - National Contact Points of FP6 of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland - Research community in Life Sciences The project started on June 1st 2004 and it will continue till January 31st 2007. During the first 2 years at least 6 training events for researchers and NCPs were organized. The interactive approach is the main characteristic feature and advantage of these workshops. During the last half year of the project special attention is paid on the issues of 7th Framework Programme. Series of seminars are organized in Poland (7 events), Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. The main goal of these seminars is to introduce the health thematic area objectives for years 2007-2013. The running seminar will take place in Riga (Latvia) on 16th October. The agenda envisages the presentations of Dr. Luis Minguez, EC representative, Frank Graage, coordinator of project, Lise Vinkel, partner from Scanbalt and the practical trainings in computer class as well. The experience of the successful 6th Framework Programme projects will be shared too.