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Content archived on 2023-03-02

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EU-Russian Virtual Brokerage Event at the eChallenges 2006, Barcelona

Supported by the SITE-project (“Siberia, Information Technologies and Europe”), a virtual EU-Russian brokerage will take place in Barcelona in addition to a real brokerage at the eChallenges 2006.

The eChallenges 2006 takes place the 16th time in a series of annual conferences supported by the European Commission. The eChallenges 2006 will promote an exchange of experiences and good practice, and share lessons learnt on topics such as Networked Business, eGovernment and eDemocracy, Technology Enhanced Learning, Collaborative Working Environments, eHealth, GRID, Knowledge Management, Smart and Virtual Organisation and International IST collaboration, For more information on the eChallenges 2006, please visit: Eight Russian researchers located in Siberian cities up to 6000 km to the East of Moscow (such as Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Barnaul and Irkutsk) registered for the virtual brokerage at the following website: The focus areas of the Siberian researchers range from GRID technology for web-applications and elearning to robotics, environmental risk management from space and software development. Interested European researchers are invited to visit the above mentioned website to create online contacts. Access is also supported at the SITE exhibition booth at the eChallenges 2006 in Barcelona, maintained by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency and the Association for Engineering Education of Russia. The Siberian researchers will be pleased to discuss their most recent research results in view of the first call of FP7. Funded within the IST-priority, SITE promotes European co-operation in IST with Russia, in particular with the Sibirsky Federal District (SFD). Sibirsky Federal District is located between 3,000 and 5,000 km to the East of Moscow and covers an area of about 5 million km². Its capital is the purposebuilt academic city of Novosibirsk. At present Sibirsky Federal District has great industrial, scientific and research potential since during World War II numerous industrial plants, factories and research centres were moved to Siberia from industrially highly developed regions around Moscow and St. Petersburg. Mostly unknown to Europeans, SFD hosts approximately 250 universities and research institutes, with some 13,000 researchers strong in IT. SITE is coordinated by Singleimage, Cambridge, UK. FFG/ Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Vienna and the Association for Engineering Education of Russia (AEER), represented by Tomsk Polytechnical University, Tomsk, Sibirsky Federal District, are the partners. For more information, please visit the following website: or contact Petra Reiter Austrian Research Promotion Agency Sensengasse 1 A – 1090 Vienna Phone: +43 5 7755 4205 Fax: +43 5 7755 94011

