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Content archived on 2023-03-02

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Piedmont, multiplying information on FP7

7PQ in Piedmont: information days and seminars jointly organized by Academia and Chambers of Commerce with APRE to prepare the participation to the open calls.

Turin will host in the next weeks some events which want to multiply the information on the Framework Programme 7 at regional level. Among the 10 research Themes Turin has chosen nanotechnologies and materials, ICT, aeronautics. The agenda proposes: • Nanotechnologies and Materials, on the 23rd of February. • Aeronautics from the academic point of view: training and research for students and PhD and the Politecnico experiences in previous FPs, on the 28th of February • Aeronautics from the industrial point of view: opportunities for SMEs and the new aerospace district in Turin, on the 1st of March • ICT, on the 2nd of March as national launch event organized in cooperation with APRE and MUR (Ministry for University and Research) The information days will be a unique opportunity both to better understand the new framework programme and to meet stakeholders which have already successfully taken part to the FP6. The European Commission will present the novelties in the rules of participations and in the specific research themes, big and medium industrial players will present their experiences and their expectations and during the round table all the participants will have room to present experiences and to formulate questions. All the information days are the result of the cooperation among Politecnico, Universities, Chambers of Commerce, Finpiemonte, Unioncamere Piemonte and the local administrations. The organizers are proposing different programmes, depending on the target of audience. Further information on each session and the registration form are available contacting the Unioncamere Piemonte Brussels Office (


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