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CORDIS - EU research results

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Content archived on 2023-03-02

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The Regional Council has officially published the basis of a Health and Environment Research plan concerned with the prevalence and incidence of certain pathologies in Nord – Pas de Calais, whose aggravating factors are thought to be linked to environmental causes.

From the viewpoint of comparative analysis of: - health indicators provided by the Observatoire Régional de la Santé (regional health observatory), the collective expertise of INSERM (Approche méthodologique du lien avec l’environnement, April 2005), and the first elements from the departmental register of cancers in the North, - work carried out at the Institut de Veille Sanitaire (institute for public health surveillance) on a method of prioritising cancers to be monitored in connection with the environment, - the assessment of the call for proposals for the health and environment research plan launched in 2006. The programme is to centre on the following areas (see appendix 1 for details): 1. Cardio-vascular and respiratory diseases in connection with the environment. 2. Cancer and the environment, including the following sub-areas: - Cancers of the kidney, the pancreas, the central nervous system and the blood: clinical and epidemiological approaches. - Cancers (all types): early biomarkers. 3. Human and social sciences and the environment: Risks, behaviour and controversy.


Environmental Health

