TELEMATIQUE: Promotion of Greek telecommunications services
The TELEMATIQUE programme for Greece has been adopted by the Commission of the European Communities. Receiving a total Community funding of ECU 32.5 million from the Regional Development Funds, the programme to be implemented in Greece involves: Infrastructure improvements to make possible the completion of other projects in the programme, measures to develop SMEs through the use of advanced telecommunications services in the fields of tourism, transport, industry, services, health, training and culture, and data-transmission applications in the public sector. TELEMATIQUE (1991-1993) is financed jointly by the Member States and the EEC, with the total contribution of the European Regional Development Fund estimated at around ECU 200 million. Its aim is to promote advanced telecommunications services in Objective 1 regions (regions whose development is lagging), by facilitating their introduction into SMEs, into the public sector and by improving standardized access to data communications networks. It draws on the results of programmes such as DRIVE, AIM, DELTA and the STAR programme (1987-1991) which laid the foundation on which TELEMATIQUE builds.