Council on additional financing of the Third Framework Programme
A Conclusion of the Council of the European Communities (1606th meeting, 12 October 1992, on the subject "Research") concerning the supplementary financing of the third Framework Programme for RTD, 1990-1994, takes note of the Commission's proposal for a Council Decision on this matter and recognizes that there is likely to be a decrease in the level of funding towards the end of the 3rd Framework Programme and that this would threaten the continuity of Community research activities. Therefore the Council agrees in principle that some financial supplement to the 3d Framework Programme could be appropriate, subject to the definition of the financial perspectives for 1993-1997. The importance of maintaining continuity with the established objectives of the Framework Programme and its specific programmes is stressed. The Council also noted the need to reflect as far as possible the existing proportional balance between activities within the Framework Programme and agreed that further work is necessary before the December meeting of the Council to identify those programmes of particular value which face specific funding problems. The Presidency is invited to seek agreement to a distribution which respects this balance more closely whilst taking due account of areas of particular need. It is considered that a decision on the financial supplement is required as rapidly as possible and that there should be no delay to discussion of the Commission's proposal for the Fourth Framework Programme. Hence, the Council invites the Permanent Representatives Committee to continue work on the Commission's proposal, taking into account the present conclusions and the procedural aspects, so as to enable the Council to reach an agreement by the end of the year. The Presidency should pursue contacts as appropriate, with representatives of the European Parliament, so as to facilitate an early decision. The Commission's proposal for a Council Decision (COM(92) 309 of 28.7.1992) aims to amend Council Decision 90/221/Euratom, EEC, concerning the 1990-1994 Framework Programme as regards the breakdown of amounts deemed necessary to implement the activities within it (Annex I of the proposal). The revised budget proposed for each of the six areas over the duration of the Framework Programme is as follows: - Information and communication technologies, ECU 2846 million; - Industrial and materials technologies, ECU 1169 million; - Environment, ECU 654 million; - Life sciences and technologies, ECU 889 million; - Energy, 1224 million; - Human capital and mobility, ECU 518 million. The overall sum deemed necessary for implementation of all activities during 1990-1994 is raised from ECU 5700 million to ECU 7300 million (including ECU 73 million for the centralized action of dissemination and exploitation, to be drawn proportionally from each activity). This corresponds to an increase, from 3200 million to ECU 4800 million, in the appropriation for the 1993-1994 period.