BRIDGE progress report 1992
The specific research and technological development programme in the field of biotechnology, 1990-1993 (Biotechnology Research for Innovation, Development and Growth in Europe, BRIDGE) has published a 1992 progress report describing project advances and results since 1990. Research activities in the BRIDGE programme (overall budget ECU 100 million) are implemented via two different types of projects: N-projects, carried out by European Laboratories Without Walls (ELWWs), and the larger T-projects. Following three successive calls for proposals in 1989 and 1990, 69 N-projects and 7 T-projects were launched during 1990 and 1991. These encompass 579 participating organizations (388 for the N-projects and 191 for the T-projects) from 11 Member States and five EFTA countries. A "BRIDGE catalogue of contracts" (EUR 14278) listing the participating laboratories together with a description of their objectives was published early in 1992. On a regular basis the project coordinators introduce a progress report covering the scientific results achieved in the different laboratories. These contributions are assembled in the "1992 report" which presents for the first time a complete overview of research progress under the BRIDGE programme covering the period 1991-March 1992. It gives for each project the results achieved in the different laboratories, highlights and milestones plus the evidence of an increasing integration of work, and additional relevant information.