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INTRAW project - joint panel of experts workshop on international raw materials cooperation

PRESS RELEASE | BRUSSELS | SEPTEMBER 2015 – The experts appointed to the panels of the EU-funded INTRAW project gathered in Bled (Slovenia) on 15 and 16 September to provide their views on international raw materials policies.

As part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research & Innovation (R&I), the 36-months project INTRAW aims to map best practices and develop new cooperation opportunities related to raw materials between the EU and technologically advanced countries in response to similar global challenges. INTRAW is intended to play a key role in the alignment of the R&I activities among the EU countries, boosting synergies with international research and innovation programmes, and reinforcing the European role and scientific capabilities for a sustainable access and supply of non-agricultural and non-energy raw materials in line with relevant EU policy initiatives. The project consortium led by the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) addresses issues such as research and innovation; raw materials policies and strategies; joint educational and skills programmes; licensing and permitting procedures, royalties and tax policies; data reporting systems; exploration, extraction, processing and recycling practices; and management and substitution of critical raw materials. The outcome of the mapping and knowledge transfer activities that are conducted in the first two years of the project will be used as a baseline to set up and launch the European Union’s International Observatory for Raw Materials as a permanent raw materials knowledge management body. The representatives of the three INTRAW Panels of Experts on “Research & Innovation”, “Education & Outreach” and “Industry & Trade” met the project consortium in Bled (Slovenia) on 15 and 16 September 2015 in order to obtain first insights on the project objectives and tasks. The INTRAW Panels of Experts have been appointed to enhance the outcomes of each of the project work packages and unlock additional dissemination routes via their broad international network in the field of raw materials. The workshop aimed more precisely at reviewing draft reports, addressing topics relevant for the project’s reference countries (Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa and the United States of America) in terms of raw materials development. Based on these draft country reports presented by the project team, the experts discussed the most important factors which explain how and why each of the reference countries has become technologically and economically advanced during the 20th and 21st century. The input provided by the experts will be used to finalise the country reports which will be published by December 2015. MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Coordinator - European Federation of Geologists (EFG) Vítor Correia, President Isabel Fernández Fuentes, Executive Director


Belgium, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Japan, Portugal, United States, South Africa