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Content archived on 2023-03-24

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FORCE Project 2015 outcomes

The FORCE project is a project funded by the EC to examine previous security foresight studies and horizon-scanning activities in Europe and produce a corresponding Foresight Exploration Model and Intelligent Decision Support System.This tool shall assist policymakers and stakeholders in the security domain in determining expectations about short-term,mid-term and long-term social and technological trends using methodologies and information from past,current,future foresight research activities.

Recent Outcomes: By the end of April 2015 two new deliverables were submitted to the European Commission and were published in the official FORCE website ( - D3.4 Final Synthesis report on security-oriented foresight methodologies and best practices This report integrates the results of reviewing and mapping recent security foresight projects and initiatives as well as insights gained from interviews and workshops conducted with security experts and decision makers. The report includes: * A brief review of foresight processes evaluation models. Such models seemed important by workshops participants and could be included in the FORCE IDSS. A selection of high quality security foresight projects that can also be relevant and beneficial to potential end users of the FORCE IDSS is also included. * Description of several new directions in security foresight methods that are more applicable in complex situations where cause and effect relationships are not clear and the level of uncertainty is very high. * The result of the interviews and workshops conducted in parallel with the mapping process in Israel, Portugal, UK, including the final workshop carried out in Germany. - D4.1 Expert workshop report This report shows the results of the expert workshop held in Berlin in February 2015. The goals of the “International Feedback and Design Workshop for a Foresight Exploration Model” were to present, discuss and receive feedback regarding the activities accomplished so far within the FORCE project, especially the mapping of foresight projects and expert interviews and even more importantly to receive valuable input from a variety of experts and potential end users regarding the demand for and design of a foresight exploration model and IDSS, e.g. questions the IDSS should answer and information and features it should contain. In conclusion the 1.5-day expert workshop produced plenty of very valuable ideas and recommendations for the FORCE IDSS, but also interesting considerations for security foresight research beyond FORCE. Additional information can be found at:


Foresight, security


Belgium, Germany, Spain, Israel, Portugal, United Kingdom