Satellite earth station equipment type approval
A Commission proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning satellite earth station equipment (COM (92) 451 of 11.12.1992) extending the scope of Council directive 91/263/EEC, follows the line taken in the Commission's Green Paper (COM (90) 490 of 14.1.1992) in proposing the introduction of mutual recognition of type approval for such equipment as one of the major preconditions for, inter alia, a Community-wide market for this equipment. The proposal applies to equipment which is capable of being used either for transmission and reception, or for reception only, of radiocommunication signals by means of satellites or other space-based systems, but excludes purpose built satellite earth station equipment used within a Member State's public telecommunications network infrastructure. Subjects covered include the placing on the market and free circulation of the specified equipment, conformity assessment (an annex sets out the EC internal production control procedure) , the application of the EC mark and inscriptions, the role of the Approvals Committee for Terminal Equipment, and final and transitional provisions. The date by which Member States shall comply with the Directive is not finalized in the proposal.