Exploit Interactive comes on-line
The UK Office for Library & Information Networking (UKOLN) has launched "Exploit Interactive", a web magazine for the European library and information professionals, which is accessible at: URL: http://www.exploit-lib.org As part of the Telematics for Libraries EXPLOIT project (a supporting measure in the Telematics for Libraries programme), "Exploit Interactive" is disseminating the results of over 100 projects. It is promoting awareness and exploiting transferable project deliverables, along with supporting articles from the broader library community. "Exploit Interactive" editors, Bernadette Daly and Philip Hunter, want to deliver a quality publication by soliciting articles from the library and information networking communities and by setting up mailing lists for "Friends of Exploit Interactive". To contact the "Exploit Interactive" editors, please write to: E-mail: exploit-editor@ukoln.ac.uk