EUREKA cooperation under Fourth Framework Programme
Set up in 1985 to raise the productivity and competitiveness of Europe in the fields of advanced technologies through collaboration among enterprises and research institutes, EUREKA now includes 20 member countries plus the Commission of the European Communities. The successful development and implementation of the results of EUREKA projects may require certain enabling conditions to be met which are beyond the capabilities and influence of the project participants themselves and may require action by governments and international bodies. In general, EUREKA projects concern "close to the market" products, systems and services whereas Community-sponsored research is essentially precompetitive. However, many important projects involve the participation of the Community's specific RTD programmes as well as EUREKA. One such case is the CORINE initiative (Coordination of Information on the Environment) under the Community's RACE programme (Research and Development in Advanced Communications Technologies in Europe). The Joint Research Centre is also involved in a variety of EUREKA projects. Under the Fourth Framework Programme for Community activities in the field of research and technological development (1994-1998) it is at present envisaged that, in addition to the conventional specific RTD programmes, a number of "technological priority projects", proposed by businesses, will aid stimulation of the competitivity of European industry. Cooperation between EUREKA and the Community is considered likely to play an important role in this area.