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Content archived on 2023-03-24

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CITyFiED actively contributing to new advances and trends in Sustainable Buildings

The CESB16 Conference took place 22– 24 June in Prague, Czech Republic, organised under auspices of several prestigious international conveners including CIB, iiSBE, UNEP-SBCI and FIDIC.

The event belongs to a series of Sustainable Built Environment regional conference series leading towards World Conference SBE17 Hong Kong. Onsite, the project was ably represented by Cristina Criado of Acciona and José Luis Hernández from CARTIF, who delivered key content and debate to the highly professional and academic audience. A lively programme focused on three key factors: socio-demographic development and environmental conditions and economics, which represent new opportunities for interventions towards sustainable buildings. Three different papers related to the CITyFiED project results were submitted and presented in the frame of Sustainable urban development section. They detailed the project methodology for district renovation, an assessment procedure for smart cities and a case study of this procedure in the Soma demonstration site. Broadly speaking the event papers highlighted current trends in sustainable development in building – with a focus increase the scale of the retrofitting interventions and developing a global approach that also incorporates economic and social aspects or life cycle assessment. It was pointed out in this context the necessity of new tools, cases of study, strategies and assessment procedures related to this scope. On the other hand the relevance of cultural and industrial heritage was also highlighted, showing another line of action and new opportunities. CITyFiED’s results and general approach are aligned with these proposals to facilitate as smart city transformation. In this sense, CITyFiED is actively contributing to the new advances and trends in terms of sustainability in order to provide new solutions to facilitate the new incoming projects.


sustainability, smart cities, energy efficiency

