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Content archived on 2023-03-24

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The EMBO Meeting to be held in Mannheim

Heidelberg, 5 September 2016 – The seventh edition of The EMBO Meeting will be held in Mannheim/Germany on 10-13 September 2016. Again, the meeting will combine four days of scientific talks, networking opportunities and career counseling, and enable life science researchers from Europe and beyond to discuss recent research results across the different life sciences areas.

“The EMBO Meeting 2016 will provide the opportunity to be brought up to date on methods and theories of cell organization by the world's leading investigators,” said Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Section Chief of the Cell Biology and Metabolism Branch, NIH, Bethesda, US, who will be giving the opening lecture at the meeting. “The meeting should also provide a great opportunity for the exchange of ideas and the fostering of new collaborations.” The EMBO Meeting will take place at Rosengarten, a historic venue in Mannheim, located in the Rhein-Neckar-triangle, which is well-known for its strong scientific institutions and cultural life. Scientific programme highlights of the meeting include plenary lectures on cellular systems biology, population genomics and immune signaling. More than 50 presentations in 20 concurrent sessions take a comprehensive look at biology from the perspective of molecules, cells and the organism. Sessions on science policy will discuss research integrity and possible roles of scientists in influencing public policy. Along with other renowned science prizes, the meeting will put the EMBO Gold Medal on stage. This year’s medal has been awarded to Ben Lehner and Richard Benton for their outstanding contributions to the life sciences in Europe. Finally, The EMBO Meeting will witness the launch of the beta version of SmartFigures, an application from the SourceData suite of tools enabling scientists and publishers to share data in a useful, transparent and discoverable way. To view the full meeting programme visit:


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