UnderSafe: A limited cost monitoring system specifically designed for underground touristic attractions
If you, the reader, are the manager/owner of a tourist underground activity, you know that there are many hazards. Probably some of the visitors have suffered injuries or got lost (surprisingly, a recent study indicated that these situations are more common than initially expected and are not generally reported). In addition, the environment, including flora and fauna, could be sensitive to humidity increase due to the number of visitors. A social study carried out by the UnderSafe team reveals that 31.1% of tourist mines have suffered some kind of accident, including people falling, rock falls, lost visitors, ventilation or light interruptions. UnderSafe makes also known up that nowadays every country has different regulations for tourist underground activities nowadays. A European regulatory framework would be recommendable. This global regulation would contribute to a better security for people, protection of the heritage, environment, geology, etc… The question is: how to control it? We have the answer: UnderSafe is a European Project, funded by FP7 framework from European Commission, which include several companies and experts in mining. A TAILORED SYSTEM FOR TOURIST UNDERGROUND ACTIVITIES The Project, leaded by technological SMEs, Krakow salt mines and European research centres, has the purpose to develop and provide the market with a new system specially designed for tourist underground attractions, including caves, mines, bunkers and other similar constructions. The system allows monitoring the visitors at any time and detecting hazardous situations for people inside the activity. The system has been developed for and by domain professional in the field considering their needs and includes software for the statistical study and correlation of internal actions. For example, which are the most visited zones? Does it have any correlation with the increasing temperature and / or humidity? What is the largest number of visitors at the same time? Are the shopping zones well placed? FOR VISITORS AND PROFESSIONALS Every user of the system will have access to it easily. As a web-based application, only a simple portable web browser device (any type) and authorization for access will be needed. “Smooth and easy” Every worker or guider in the underground will have bidirectional communication with the central system by voice or chatting, as well as the control of their visitors group. AND INTELLIGENT MODULAR SYSTEM Although the system includes temperature and humidity sensing in the standard approach, the system allows changes so that it can be adapted to the needs of the final client. With the use of ZigBee techniques, any sensor may be easily placed anywhere, even in difficult zones, with the minimal environmental impact. This concept allows an easy adaptation to the specific need of each facility (and also to its pocket). The software system includes rule based intelligence, which may be also adapted to the specific needs of the end user, contributing to a totally configurable system that will fulfil the clients of underground activities. LABELLED AND PLANNED TIME TO MARKET Clients of UnderSafe will be allowed to have the benefit of being “UnderSafe” labelled clients. The UnderSafe system also fulfils the most restrictive standards for underground equipment. The project intends to reach market in the 2nd half 2014. SUMMARY OF SPECIFICATIONS .Base technology: Ethernet, Wi-Fi, ZigBee and RFID. Practical transparency to visitors. .People tracking (visitors and employees). .Environmental sensing (humidity, temperature, gas). .Instability sensing for non-stable zones: landslide, rock falling detection. .Web based on friendly software monitoring with : i) Graphical interface and monitoring; ii) Touristic attraction guider specific application by Smartphone; iii) Artificial intelligence software for warning and alarm detection of thresholds and complex detection; iv) Management reporting on visitors and workers behaviour, relationship between visitors and environment, etc. .Fully tailored to the client and robust against power failure.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom