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Content archived on 2023-03-20

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Novel quality control system

Tecnalia is co-ordinating the MUPROD project, which is part of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme. This initiative involves developing an innovative Quality Control system which is set to drastically change the current concept of End-of-Line quality control and go beyond the established methodologies like Six-sigma and SPC.

This system will prevent the generation of defects in the process in a single stage and the spreading of faults between processes in several stages. The domains of application of this system will include the emerging strategic sectors in Europe: the production of electrical motors for sustainable mobility, the manufacture of large components for the wind energy sector, and the production of customised intravascular microcatheters as high value medical products for the ageing society. Besides co-ordinating the project, Tecnalia is proud to be a part of the innovative vision of defect-free manufacturing through detection and action. It is an approach that reflects the philosophy of Tecnalia’s Industry and Transport Division, as it is based on monitoring, measuring and, whenever possible, the correcting of the process parameters as well as the use of smart self-positioning tools. All this has prompted Tecnalia to opt to participate in the MUPROD project led by prestigious centres of learning, centres for innovation and European corporations.

