Neiker-Tecnalia is participating in the ADAPTACLIMA II capitalisation project
The project, which has funding from the Territorial Co-operation Programme of the Southwest of Europe, aims to make known the future climate scenarios on a local level in terms of temperatures, rainfall and other climate variables. This knowledge will also serve to promote measures for adapting to the risks arising out of climate change in activities like agriculture, fisheries, industry and tourism, among others. ADAPTACLIMA is planning to become a reference in the southwest of Europe -Iberian Peninsula and southwest France- in knowledge about climate change. The project also wants to serve as a tool for guiding and advising the agricultural and forestry sector and also for the European political sphere in decision making relating to the climate. It is also seeking to be a platform for information and awareness building for society as a whole. Within this European project, Neiker-Tecnalia will be contributing its knowledge on the impact of climate change in the agricultural and forestry sectors, in addition to its expertice in carbon footprint calculation in the wine sector and in the agricultural sector (the projects Más Vino Menos CO2, AGROLCAmanager, LIFE 10 ENV/ES/486). In the second case, the R&D centre will be developing a geographical information system designed to incorporate information about the soil and climate scenarios into crop growth models. In the carbon footprint case, NEIKER-Tecnalia will be transferring to the wine sector the results obtained within the framework of the ADAPTACLIMA II project as well as in others in which it is participating. To make the project known, the organising of technical seminars and ones on results in co-operation with the collaborating partner Bodegas Faustino is anticipated. ADAPTACLIMA II has nine partners in Spain, France and Portugal. The following Spanish partners are participating alongside NEIKER-Tecnalia: the Galician Institute for Housing and Land (Regional Government of Galicia), ADESVAL (Association for the Development of the Alagón Valley), AIMRD (Iberian Association of Municipalities bordering on the Duero River) and the Department of the Environment (Regional Government of Andalucía). The French partners are the Chambre d’agriculture de la Dordogne and the Association Climatologique de la Moyenne Garonne. The Portuguese partner is the Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro.