LinDA Project Launch
EU Research embraces SMEs for adding value to everyday operations through the introduction of Linked Open Data LinDA (Enabling Linked Data and Analytics for SMEs by renovating public sector information - Grant Agreement No: FP7-610565) is an EC co-funded project under the 7th Framework Programme comprised of leading Linked Open Data technology researchers and SMEs and Industries that have seen a clear benefit in adopting the Linked Data paradigm to increase their competitiveness and become world leaders in their service offering activities. Following up on the recent developments in the fields of Linked and Open Data, LinDA will provide an infrastructure of technologies and methods for porting the advantages of the above-mentioned technological fields to the actual production line of enterprises, with a focus on EU SMEs. In doing so, LinDA will address one of the most significant challenges of the usage and publication of Linked Data, the renovation and conversion of existing data formats into structures that support the semantic enrichment and interlinking of data, thus minimizing the required effort and cost as well as potential semantic conflicts and ambiguities. The LinDA ecosystem of publication and consumption Apps will significantly motivate SMEs to follow the Linked Data paradigm for the publication of open data therefore realizing the full potential of linking, analysing and mashing-up data as well as stimulating new, innovative business models. LinDA is a 2-year collaborative research and development project that started in December 2013 and is coordinated by the DSSLab research group at National Technical University of Athens (Greece). Consortium partners include: Fraunhofer FOKUS (Germany), UBITECH (Greece), University Of Bonn (Germany), Piksel (Italy), Critical Publics (United Kingdom), Hyperborea (Italy) and TTNews24 (Italy). The results of the LinDA project are foreseen to have a significant impact on the efficiency of the information management of enterprises, especially SMEs that in most cases cannot afford the development and maintenance of dedicated information analysis and management departments. As such, the cost-efficient development of innovative services and data analytical services that are linked to the available public data will provide SMEs a strong competitive advantage in the market, and will in this way contribute to the competence of the European industry. For more information Prof. John Psarras (LinDA coordinator) Project Website:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, United Kingdom