CONCERT-Japan Photonic Manufacturing Joint Call: only one month left!
CONCERT-Japan project is an international ERA-NET initiative funded under the EU FP7, with the objective of coordinating and enhancing science, technology and innovation cooperation between European countries and Japan. The overall aim of this call topic is to support scientific research to further our understanding of the complex, multi-scale physical-chemical interactions between light and matter and their related photo-responsive processes, which will lead to the development of next generation materials, devices and photonic manufacturing technologies. In the frame of the call, research projects with an innovative dimension will be funded for a period of maximum 2 years in the above mentioned theme. The research projects are expected to have mobility and networking dimensions in addition to the core research component. 6 national/regional funding organisations are contributing funds in CONCERT-Japan Photonic Manufacturing Joint Call: • Japan: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) • Italy/Region of Lombardy • Hungary: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) (OTKA will only fund basic research) • Slovakia: Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) • Switzerland: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) • Turkey: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Each project consortium applying for this call should consist of at least 3 partners, 1 from Japan and 2 from two different European countries participating in the call. Researchers/research teams from European countries that do not participate in the CONCERT-Japan Joint Call may participate as additional partners in a project consortium (after ensuring the minimum consortium criteria) if they can prove that they have secured funding from other sources that allows them to fulfil their obligations within the consortium. For more information on the Call and the submission process you can visit CONCERT-Japan website ( or contact the Joint Call Secretariat (
Switzerland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Slovakia, Türkiye