The OPET Network: Organization of the promotion of energy technology
Following the adoption of the THERMIE programme for the promotion of energy technology in Europe (Council Regulation 2008/90/EEC), the Commission has undertaken a number of associated measures with regard to the organization of the promotion of energy technology in the Community (Article 5 and Annex V of the Regulation). Operations in this field have been delegated to existing organizations involved in similar activities in the Member States (OPETs) selected after two public calls for tender in 1990 and 1991. A total of 40 OPETs are now established throughout the Community. Their work involves the analysis and evaluation of market potential, technology assessments, the dissemination of information on the rational use of energy, and industrial cooperation with third countries. Central and Eastern Europe are considered a priority; actions are consolidated with support given under other Commission Community programmes such as TACIS and PHARE, and a programme of promotional activities, including conferences, business workshops and fairs, production of documentation, establishment of databases and training of personnel has also been launched. Over 90% of THERMIE activities as regards the above measures are now implemented through the OPET network, and take up a substantial proportion of the available yearly budget for associated measures of approximately ECU 20 million. During 1993, the 40 OPETs will cooperate in some 400 measures (200 outside the EEC, 200 within it) covering the different fields of the THERMIE programme as follows: - Rational use of energy (60%); - Renewable energy sources (20%); - Solid fuels (10%); - Hydrocarbons (10%). Actions to be carried out will follow similar lines to those undertaken previously, and are drawn up on the basis of results of market and technology assessments, and of proposals from the OPET network itself.