Biotechnology second call for proposals
In the context of the Third Framework Programme for Community research and technological development the Commission of the European Communities invites proposals for RTD projects concerning the specific programme in the field of biotechnology (BIOTECH), 1990-1994. The outlined work programme for this second call is as follows: - Area 1, Molecular approaches: Protein structure and function (production of novel biocatalysts); gene structure (sequencing of the genomes Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Bacillus subtilis. - Area 2. Cellular and organism approaches: Metabolism of animals and microbes (essential physiological traits, trangenic animal models for the protection of human health, mechanisms of gene regulation for the expression of economically important products from microorganisms). - Area 3 (Ecology and population biology): Ecological implications of biotechnology; genetically engineered fish, insects and nematodes. The detailed work programme plus information on submission of proposals, together with descriptions of work undertaken in earlier and related programmes, is available on request. All correspondence should be sent to: Commission of the European Communities DG XII, Directorate E Ref: Biotechnology call for proposals 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2950361; Fax +32-2-2955365