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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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Biotechnology programme plans a third call for proposals

The specific programme (EEC) of research and technological development in the field of biotechnology, BIOTECH (1990-1994), is expected to publish a third call for proposals later in 1993 on the basis of the budgetary provision made available following the Council Decision to i...

The specific programme (EEC) of research and technological development in the field of biotechnology, BIOTECH (1990-1994), is expected to publish a third call for proposals later in 1993 on the basis of the budgetary provision made available following the Council Decision to increase the financial appropriation for the Third framework Programme. The call is likely to be scheduled for September 1993 with a closing date early in 1994 (possibly January of that year). The planned third call for proposals follows a second call published by the BIOTECH programme in Official Journal No C 114 of 24.4.1993 p. 18. Though no further details on the third call are available at present, the BIOTECH work programme and other information on work undertaken earlier are available from the Commission's Offices in the Member States, and from: Commission of the European Communities DG XII, Directorate E BIOTECH programme 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2955365

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