COMETT II: 1993 and 1994 application package
The COMETT II action programme for education and training for technology (1990-1994) is managed by the Task Force on Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth of the Commission of the European Communities. A COMETT publication is available for University-Enterprise Training Partnerships (UETPs) wishing to apply for support under COMETT calls for applications. It contains details and explanations of the procedures established by the Commission for the 1993 and 1994 calls for applications as well as all the forms to be used for submitting proposals, and therefore permits applications for the 1994 call to be formulated well in advance. The dates for the 1994 call as described in the publication (covering Strands Ba, Bc and Ca) are: Launch of the call (September 1993); - Deadline for submission (18 December 1993); - Publication of decisions (March 1994); - Start of contracts (May 1994); For other information including a list of COMETT Information Centres in EC and EFTA countries, contact: Commission of the European Communities COMETT Technical Assistance Office 14 rue Montoyer B-1040 Brussels Commission of the European Communities Task Force Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth COMETT programme Tel +32-2-2966322; Fax +32-2-2955719 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels