Development of soil databases
The ESB project (European soil bureau) of the Joint Research Centre's ARIS unit, needs to develop the soil information system of the Puglia region and the republic of Albania, according to the procedures outlined in the document 'georeferenced and soil database for Europe - EUR 18092 EN'. The service requires soil mapping at different scales according to the region concerned. The services are divided into three separate lots: - Lot 1: development of a georeferenced soil database of the whole Puglia region (Italy) at a scale of 1:50,000 (around 1,934,700 hectares); - Lot 2: development of a georeferenced soil database of the complete territory of the Republic of Albania at a scale of 1:250,000 (around 2,874,800 hectares); - Lot 3: development of a georeferenced soil database for the coastal plains area of the Republic of Albania at a scale of 1:50,000 (around 250,000 hectares). For further information, please contact: European Commission Joint Research Centre Mr A Jerabek Space Application Institute Agriculture and regional information system (ARIS) Unit via Enrico Fermi TP262 I-2120 Ispra (VA) Fax +39-332-785988