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CORDIS - EU research results

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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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Directory of Community legislation

To make Community legislation more accessible to the public, the Commission of the European Communities publishes a Directory, updated twice a year, covering: - Binding instruments of secondary legislation arising out of the Treaties establishing the three Communities (EEC, E...

To make Community legislation more accessible to the public, the Commission of the European Communities publishes a Directory, updated twice a year, covering: - Binding instruments of secondary legislation arising out of the Treaties establishing the three Communities (EEC, ECSC, Euratom); - Other legislation; - Agreements between the Communities and nom-Member countries. Each entry in the Directory gives the number and title of the instrument. Any amending instruments are also indicated, with the appropriate references in each case. The legislation is also classified by subject matter. Instruments classifiable in more than one subject area appear under each of the headings concerned.