Call for tenders for study on impact of IST in candidate countries
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) has published a call for tenders for a prospective analysis in the candidate countries of factors and impacts in the information society. The study will provide a series of 13 national monographs related to the potentialities of IST (information society technologies) developments in candidate countries, and to their positive and negative impacts. These monographs will offer (i) an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the 13 candidate countries in relation to the development of the information society, and (ii) a view on their possible outcomes; both strongly rooted in factual quantitative data. Each monograph will conclude with a set of alternative scenarios for the future of the information society in the specific country as well as the relevant argumentation defending those scenarios. Secondly, the research will offer an integrating and prospective report about the future outlook for the information society in the candidate countries and in an enlarged Europe of 25+, and the policy orientations which can be derived from such analysis, both at national and EU level.For further information, please contact: European Commission Directorate-General JRC IPTS Ed. Expo-WTC Attn: Mrs Mercè Batet-Alcon Inca Garcilaso s/n E-41092 Seville Tel: +34 954 48 83 91 Fax: +34 954 48 83 00 E-mail: To see the call text, please consult the following web address: