LIBRARIES third call for proposals
The Commission of the European Communities invites proposals for research and technological development projects and concerted actions in the context of the LIBRARIES subprogramme (Area 5 of the specific programme of RTD in the field of telematic systems in areas of general interest, 1990-1994). The objectives and topics covered by this third call for proposals are described in detail in the technical background material for Area 5, available from the Commission's services. The objective of the LIBRARIES subprogramme is to facilitate user access, by optimum use and development of equipment and telematic services and products, to the wealth of knowledge held in libraries, while reducing the handicaps caused by the present disparate infrastructures in the Community. To this end, the work will help to develop modern library services throughout the Community by promoting faster, but orderly and cost-effective penetration of new technologies into libraries. In order to achieve these objectives, initial Community activity in the Area is selective, concentrating on a limited number of problems which can best lead to practical results within the framework of the four complementary action lines: I. Computerized bibliographies: - Part I: International services provided by national bibliographic services; - Part II: Retrospective conversion of catalogues of important collections at international level (tools and methods). II. International interconnection of systems and related international standards. III. Provision of new library services using information and communication technologies (aspects of service provision). IV. Stimulation of a European market in telematic products and services specific for libraries (feasibility and requirements). For the purpose of the third call, taking account of the RTD work already undertaken as a consequence of the earlier calls, it is considered desirable in particular to encourage proposals on the following topics: Action Line II themes: SR targets for retrieval functions; bulk data transfer using networks. Action Line III themes: Extension of access and availability of bibliographic/catalogue information; access and/or delivery of documents; library services using new information products; integrating access to networks and electronic documents for new library services. Action Line IV themes: Interfacing in library applications via client-server models; new bibliographic record products and services; models and tools to support decision-making in libraries; tools and techniques to support multilingual access to library resources. Detailed information about procedures for the submission of proposals, the contract that will be established with successful proposers, and background material on the research topics, is available on request. Descriptions of work undertaken earlier and under the first and second calls for proposals are also available. Contact: Commission of the European Communities Ref. Telematic Systems RTD (Area 5: LIBRARIES) DG XIII, Directorate E Jean Monnet building (C5/66) L-2920 Luxembourg Tel. +352-430132126/-430134071; Fax +352-430133530