Current and upcoming calls for proposals and tenders within the specific programmes of the Third Framework Programme, November 1993
Calls for proposals and tenders, issued in the period up to 23 November 1993, concerning Community programmes of RTD within the Third Framework Programme, and other related programmes include: Third Framework Programme: - ESPRIT: No further calls will be issued until the adoption of the Fourth Framework Programme. - Telematic systems in areas of general interest (comprising DRIVE, DELTA, AIM, ENS, ORA, LIBRARIES, LRE): . DRIVE, ENS, ORA. No further calls during 1993; . DELTA, AIM. No further calls until the adoption of the Fourth Framework Programme; . LIBRARIES. The third general call for proposals under the LIBRARIES programme was published in OJ No C 310 of 16.11.1993. An advance notice concerning expansion awards for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in relation to this call appeared in Official Journal No C 211 of 5.8.1993. - BRITE/EURAM: No main call will be issued during 1993. - CRAFT (BRITE/EURAM): Applications may be made at any time for feasibility awards for SMEs. Applications for training schemes may also be made continuously with selection taking place in June and November. CRAFT Step 1 proposals are evaluated on a continuous basis. Step 2 proposals were evaluated in June and September 1993, with a further evaluation to take place in January 1994. - ENVIRONMENT: No further calls will be made this year. The results of the last call (after which some 50 projects were accepted) will be available shortly. - Marine science and technology (MAST): A call for proposals concerning the assessment of possible risk likely to affect the marine environment in association with research, monitoring and surveying in marine sciences and technologies was published in OJ No C 203 of 27.7.1993. The original closing date for this call has been extended to 15.12.1993 following a correction published in OJ No C 251 of 15.9.1993; . A MAST call for tenders (OJ No C 251 of 15.9.1993) concerns the organization of advanced study courses during 1995 in marine science and technology for young scientists and/or graduate students. The topics of the courses must fall into one of a number of disciplines of main interest to the MAST programme. Proposals for 1995 courses must arrive at the Commission by 7.4.1994. - Biotechnology (BIOTECH): This programme's third call for proposals was published in OJ No C 168 of 19.6.1993 closing date 15.12.1993. - Agriculture and agro-industry, including fisheries (AIR): Proposals for research and technology development projects and concerted actions are invited for all Areas and topics of the AIR workprogramme. The deadline for applications is 14.1.1994. - Biomedicine and Health Research BIOMED): Applications may be made at any time or junior and senior training grants (6-18 months) and for short training periods (6-12 months). Selections for these grants are made twice a year. - Life Sciences and Technologies for Developing Countries (STD): A third call is now current, (Official Journal No C 163 of 15.6.1993) with a deadline of 30.11.1993. - Human capital and mobility: A call covering all aspects of the workprogramme (first published in Official Journal No C 139 of 2.6.1992) is open on a continuous basis, with selection rounds taking place at regular intervals. Open calls also exist in scientific and technical networks and in "Euroconferences"(OJ No C 175 of 26.6.1993). - Measurements and Testing (BCR): A call for proposals is expected shortly from the specific programme of RTD in the field of measurements and testing (BCR). The call is scheduled for publication on 15.12.1993 under the system of fixed dates (four per year) for the publication of calls for proposals from the specific programmes within the Framework Programme. The closing date will be during April 1994. - VALUE: A call for proposals, open on a continuous basis, exists under the VALUE programme (the Centralized Action for Dissemination and Exploitation of Knowledge resulting from the specific programmes of RTD in the Community), for the funding of projects to promote the results of Community RTD (first published in Official Journal No C 230 of 8.9.1990); . An open call is also current for awards to SMEs (OJ No C 173 of 9.7.1992); . A call for proposals relating to opportunities offered under the line of action "Utilization of results", as described in the current VALUE workprogramme, was published (for the final time) in OJ No C 252 of 16.9.1993. The closing date for consideration in the next selection round is 15.12.1993. Other RTD-Related Programmes: - The IMPACT programme for the establishment of an internal information market has issued a call for declarations of intent (OJ No S 192 of 1.10.1993) concerning market support in favour of integrated information to meet the needs of specific end-users; . An IMPACT open call for tenders was issued for the provision of services and support (OJ No C 293 of 29.10.1993) closing on 22.12.1993. - THERMIE programme (promotion of energy technology in Europe, 1990-1994): A general THERMIE call for projects for the promotion of energy technology was published in OJ No C 189 of 13.7.1993 closing on 1.12.1993. - COMETT(programme of cooperation between universities and industry regarding training in the field of technology, 1990-1994): A restricted call for applications is current (this call, being restricted, did not appear in the Official Journal), with a closing date of 18.12.1993. - SPRINT (Strategic Programme for Innovation and Technology Transfer: A call for proposals concerning the Science Park Consultancy Scheme will be issued in the near future. Information on this call is already available on RTD-News (RCN 1935). - TEMPUS (Trans-European Mobility Scheme for University Studies): The programme for cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the republics of the former USSR in the field of higher education has been extended by a four year period (1994-1998) and, in addition to Central and Eastern Europe, is now to cover those republics of the former Soviet Union wishing to participate. Tenders are requested (OJ No C 286 of 22.10.1993) for the provision of technical assistance for the management and coordination of the programme from 1.9.1994 to 31.12.1998. Closing date 10.12.1993. Various: - Health and safety at work: The administration of a "Community information system for health and safety at work" (JANUS), is the subject of a call for tenders, published in OJ No C 271 of 7.10.1993 in the context of the Community programme of action in the field of protection of the physical and mental health of workers. Closing date 3.12.1993. - DG XI (Environment, Nuclear safety and Civil Protection) has issued a call for tenders granting financial support for pilot schemes designed to prepare, promote or facilitate participation by companies in an environmental management and audit scheme (OJ No C 247 of 10.9.1993). The closing date for a first series of proposals was 31.10.1993 while that for the second series closes on 31.12.1993. - DG I: The International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (membership includes the European Community and the Community countries), has invited interested scientists and research teams to submit declarations of intent related to joint scientific research or networking projects with CIS scientists. A 1993 call (not published in the Official Journal) closed on 15.10.1993. Declarations should now be prepared for a call for proposals to be issued 1994. Information on INTAS and the declaration of intent is available in an earlier RTD-News item (RCN 1823 of 11.10.1993). - STOA: The European Parliament's Directorate-General for Research has called for tenders, applications, and expressions of interest (various closing dates, 1993-1994) under the Scientific and Technical Options Assessment (STOA) programme (OJ No C 179 of 1.7.1993).