Translations for the European Patent Organization (EPO)
The European Patent Organization, acting through the European Patent Office, intends to conduct a public international invitation to tender on a discretionary basis for a service contract relating to the translation of patent abstracts, from German and French, and in exceptional circumstances from other European languages, into English. Translation of the abstracts should be such as to enable them to be used effectively as a means of patent searching in the technical field concerned. The number of abstracts will be: (1) Approximately 120,000 abstracts, mostly in German, constituting the backlog up to mid-1994, to be cleared before the end of 1994; (2) Approximately 4,000 abstracts per month, from mid-1994 onwards, to be translated on an ongoing basis. Bids should cover at least 25% of part 1 or of part 2. The contract covers the translation of the abstracts plus forwarding the abstracts to the EPOs premises in Rijswijk (NL) on a magnetic medium in a form specified by the EPO. The tender documents may be obtained, until 30.12.1993 by request in writing addressed to: European Patent Office Attn. Mrs. Alex Perez Molina-Alma (Room 06-49) Patentlaan 2 NL-2288 EE Rijswijk Tel. +31-70-3402820; Fax +31-70-3403320