Text-image conversion into machine-readable form
The European Patent Organization (EPO), acting through the European Patent Office (charged with the granting of European patents) intends to conduct a public international invitation to tender, on a discretionary basis, for a service contract relating to the OCR/ICR (Optical Character Recognition/Intelligent Character Recognition) conversion of a maximum of 16 million pages from facsimile format into machine-readable form. The machine-readable text will be used for information retrieval purposes involving display, string search or some form of full text searching. Contract award is planned to take place around mid-1994. The duration of the contract is envisaged to be 3 years. Tender documents in English are available from 14 January 1994. Potential bidders must request the tender documents in writing by 18 February 1994. Requests should be addressed to: European Patent Office Attn. Mrs S. Roberts Patentlaan 2 NL-2288 EE Rijswijk Tel. +31-70-3402077; Fax. +31-70-3403016