I&T Magazine: DG XIII and DG III joint publication
The Commission's first quarterly publication of "I&T Magazine" is now available. The new title, which replaces "XIII Magazine" reflects recent organizational changes within the European Commission. I&T Magazine is now a joint publication by the Directorate-General for Industry, DG III, and the Directorate-General for Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research, DG XIII, as indicated by the new title (Industry & Telecommunications). In the editorial which introduces this issue, Riccardo Perissich, Director-General of DG III, notes that the many articles contained in the magazine aim to increase awareness in the business world through improved information on the results of research, studies and analyses relating to all horizontal and multi-sectorial fields which have an influence on industrial competitiveness. These are fields in which telecommunications and the information markets have a decisive role to play. The magazine will continue to be published in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. It is accompanied by a News Review supplement (in English only) covering I&T subjects relating to the internal market, programme activities, standardization, the European dimension, the international perspective and events. The text of the magazine and supplement is also available online, free of charge, on ECHO, using the public password ECHO.