Reduction in passenger car pollution emissions.
The Commission seeks tenders to undertake a cost-effectiveness study of the various measures that are likely to reduce pollution emissions from passenger cars by the year 2000. According to suggestions made during the "Auto Emissions 2000" European Symposium of 21-22 September 1992, and as announced in proposal COM(92)572 of 23.12.1992 the Commission intends to put forward measures to reduce pollutant emissions by road traffic up to the year 2000 by means of a multifaceted approach based on an assessment of the cost effectiveness of all potential measures, e.g. vehicle technology, fuel quality, inspection and maintenance regimes and transport policy options. The aim of the study is, first of all, to devise a coherent methodology for assessing the cost effectiveness of measures to improve air quality and, in a second phase, to perform calculations to evaluate the costs associated with each potential measure. The study will require close co-ordination with technical work being undertaken by the European Programme on Emissions, Fuels and Engine Technologies ("Auto-Oil Programme"), which is examining the effects that a combination of improved engine technologies and reformulated fuels can have on reducing emissions. Documentation may be requested from: European Commission DG III/E-5 Attn. Mr. Richard Wright 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Tel.+32-2-2953397 Fax: +32-2-2961125