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CORDIS - EU research results

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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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Promotion of environmental education

The Commission invites proposals for the promotion of environmental education. Community financial support is planned for measures in this sector, with a total amount available of the order of ECU 1 million. The aim of the proposed measures is to help promote environmental ed...

The Commission invites proposals for the promotion of environmental education. Community financial support is planned for measures in this sector, with a total amount available of the order of ECU 1 million. The aim of the proposed measures is to help promote environmental education in order that it may become an integral and essential part of every European citizen's upbringing. They are to be undertaken in the context of the implementation of the Council Resolution (88/C 177/03) and the Conclusions of the Council on the development of environmental education (92/C 151/02). These measures should: - Strengthen environmental education at all levels of the education system; - Help in promoting awareness of environmental problems at Community as well as local levels; - Help to strengthen the European dimension in education. In order to be eligible for selection, projects submitted must: Generate a marked multiplier effect on a European scale, and notably within the Community; demonstrate an effective and balanced degree of cooperation among the partners; have direct transfrontier impact; facilitate the lasting integration of environmental education in the various systems of education; and promote the transfer and exploitation of innovative experiments on a European scale. Priority will be given to measures promoting programmes of cooperation and exchange for the lasting integration of environmental education in the initial and in-service training of teachers and the formation of teacher training schemes, and for the design of teacher training modules. the design of educational materials, and the promotion of innovational experiments in an interdisciplinary and evaluative context. For full information plus an official application form, contact: European Commission DG XI/C-4 Environment and Education 200 rue de la Loi (BU-5 00/174) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2969560