Protocol on the establishment of an International Science and Technology Centre
A Protocol on the establishment of an International Science and Technology Centre was approved by a Council Regulation of 21 February 1994, and entered into force on 2 March 1994. An Agreement on the creation of the Centre was signed by the European Communities, the USA, Japan and the Russian Federation (Moscow, 27 November 1992). The Protocol now permits the provisional application of this Agreement until its entry into force. In 1992, ECU 20 million were allocated under the EC/Euratom programme of technical assistance for the independent States of the former Soviet Union (TACIS) towards setting up the Centre in cooperation with the other signatories to the Agreement. The aim of the Centre is to bring together scientists and researchers, previously employed within the Soviet Union, to undertake cooperative projects of benefit to the Russian Federation and the international community.
Japan, Russia, United States