AVICENNE: Cooperation with Mediterranean third countries in waste water treatment, primary healthcare and renewable energies
The Commission has called for proposals for preparatory actions to explore the possibilities of scientific and technological cooperation between the European Union and Mediterranean third countries (AVICENNE initiative) in three areas of mutual interest, namely, waste water treatment, primary healthcare and renewable energies. 1) Waste water treatment: - Joint research proposals: Closed water cycles in industry; water reutilization (drinking water, industrial water, irrigation); technologies for the treatment of waste water polluted by heavy metals, organic substances or bacteriological contaminants; behaviour of major water pollutants in the environment (monitoring, threshold levels for water pollution as multivariant functions of the envisaged secondary water use); treatment of polluted water for cost-effective water purification and/or recycling of valuable pollutants. - Concerted actions: Cooperation networks on the interaction of water management and public health in the Mediterranean region. 2) Primary health care: - Concerted actions: Cooperation networks in the area of primary health care. 3) Renewable energies: - Joint research projects: Assessment, monitoring and forecast of the potential demand and supply of renewable energies in the Mediterranean Basin; integration of renewable energy into the socio-economic system of rural areas of the Mediterranean countries; optimized production of electricity from renewable resources abundant in the Mediterranean Basin; utilization of renewable energies from waste water treatment. - Concerted actions: Cooperation networks in the field of renewable energies. The Commission invites interested persons and organizations to present proposals for one or a combination of the areas specified above. Joint projects (which may be funded by the Commission up to 50% of the total expenditure) must include at least two independent partners established in different Mediterranean third countries and at least one partner established in a Union Member State. The research proposed may be applied or fundamental. However, applied research must be of a precompetitive nature. Pilot or demonstration projects are not eligible for financial support in the framework of this call. Proposals for concerted actions (of which up to 100% of the cost of coordination may be provided by the Commission) must include a minimum of two partners from two different Mediterranean third countries and at least two partners from different EU Member States. The call is open to all persons, organizations and research institutes established in the Member States of the European Union and in the Mediterranean third countries concerned (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Malta, the Occupied Territories, Syria, Turkey and Tunisia). Proposal forms may be obtained from delegations of the European Union in the non-Union Mediterranean countries and from the European Commission, DG XII. Completed proposals should be addressed to: European Commission Directorate-General for Science, Research and Development, DG XII/B-4 "Scientific and Technological Cooperation with Developing Countries" AVICENNE Initiative 75 rue Montoyer B-1040 Brussels Telex COMEU B 21877; Fax +32-2-2963308