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Call for proposals in the context of the "Europe against AIDS" programme

In the context of its programme of action against AIDS, Health and Safety Directorate, DG V/E of the Commission of the European Communities will provide financial support for specific projects relating to AIDS research. The areas of activity covered by this call for proposals...

In the context of its programme of action against AIDS, Health and Safety Directorate, DG V/E of the Commission of the European Communities will provide financial support for specific projects relating to AIDS research. The areas of activity covered by this call for proposals and the required tasks under each activity are the following: 1) Assessment of the knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of the general public and certain target groups (populations with high-risk lifestyles or in high-risk environments, marginalized communities, social groups with a particular influence); information and awareness-raising campaigns for the public and these groups. Tasks: - Assessment of the results of surveys carried out in the Member States and at Community level on knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in the face of this epidemic; - Assessment of the desirability of undertaking studies to augment existing information in particular areas at Union level; - Analysis of the information campaigns run for the general public and target sections of the population, such as homosexuals and bisexuals, minorities and migrants; dissemination of the results, encouragement of exchanges allowing experience in the Member States to be compared; - Measurement of changes in knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in the face of the epidemic, and assessment of the impact on behaviour of prevention measures undertaken in Member States; - Development of ways to increase coordination and links between campaigns in the Member States, and of possible Community measures which could complement or contribute to such campaigns, including the use of the media and production of specific materials, such as those designed to make information easily accessible to political and community leaders; - Promotion of measures to increase public understanding and awareness of the problems caused by the epidemic for society as a whole and for the individuals and families directly affected; - Encouragement of the development of telephone and computerized response mechanisms in the European Union, and of centres providing information to the public or specific groups, and promotion of exchanges of experience between them; - Dissemination of the data on knowledge, attitudes and behaviour and on preventive measures. 2) Measures for children and young people. Tasks: - Examination and promotion of exchanges of information on HIV/AIDS education in schools and other educational and training establishments for young people in the Member States, and on how HIV/AIDS education fits into the provision of sex education and general health education in such establishments; - Exchange of information on HIV/AIDS education programmes designed for children and young people outside the formal educational setting, and on the interaction of these programmes with general health education programmes within and outside of the education system; - Promotion of pilot educational projects on HIV/AIDS which fit into general health education and general health promotion for children and young people inside and outside the formal education setting, including tailored programmes for minority groups. 3) Prevention of HIV transmission among particular groups: a) Travel and tourism. Tasks: - Analysis and promotion of exchanges of information and experience on problems related to tourism, to people travelling within the EU and to and from other countries, and to border areas with non-Union states; promotion of pilot projects and networks geared towards preventive action in tourist resorts, frontier areas and other relevant locations. b) Prisons. Tasks: - Examination and promotion of exchanges of information on the current regimes in the EU for people with HIV and AIDS in prisons and detention centres, including procedures on admittance, during incarceration and after release, education of prisoners, training of prison staff and the possibility of specific prevention and harm-reduction measures; - Promotion of pilot projects which, taking account of regulations and local circumstances, are aimed at developing new methods of providing care and support for those with HIV and AIDS, reducing the risks of transmission of HIV and improving the training provided to staff working in prisons. c) Injecting drug users. Tasks: - Evaluation of the knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of injecting drug users with regard to HIV/AIDS, and study of HIV prevention strategies; promotion of exchanges of information and experience on methods concerning the supply of safe injecting equipment; assessment of the possible role of methadone programmes in the prevention of HIV transmission and examination of the interaction of the measures taken in Member States to combat drug abuse with those on HIV/AIDS, and the consequences for the epidemic. d) Women exposed to specific risks of infection by HIV. Tasks: - Promotion of exchanges of information on the situation of women at particular risk of HIV infection in the Member States, including prostitutes and women drug users, and of the preventive activities being undertaken for such women; establishment of pilot projects on prevention and support aimed at particular groups and settings. e) Vertical transmission of HIV from mothers to children. Tasks: - Examination and promotion of exchanges of information on the transmission of HIV from mothers to children in Member States and on the situation of HIV-positive children and young people and their families, particularly as regards access to educational institutions and social and psychological care and support; establishment of pilot projects. f) Other populations with high-risk lifestyles: Tasks: - Exchanges of information between Member States on the preventive measures taken for groups such as young homosexuals and bisexuals; establishment of pilot projects in this area. 4- Social and psychological support. Tasks: - Elaboration and dissemination of manuals, information bulletins and directories providing the latest information on prevention of transmission of HIV, on care and therapy, and on organizations providing information and support; - Promotion of exchanges of experience on models of assistance and support for people with HIV and AIDS, and promotion of studies on the psycho-social aspects of HIV/AIDS. 5) Gathering data on HIV/AIDS. Tasks: - Encouragement of efforts to increase and improve epidemiological training in HIV/AIDS and related fields in the EU and to build upon links between the responsible institutions in the Member States; - Examination of the circumstances in which HIV infection occurs, and promotion of exchanges of information concerning infected persons who remain asymptomatic for long-time periods, as well as questions concerning the role of other diseases implicated in AIDS; - Promotion of exchanges of information on significant developments in each Member State and at EU level in the development of the epidemic and related problems, including economic issues such as the costs for statutory services, and on the measures being taken in response. 6) Combating discrimination against people with HIV and AIDS and those close to them. Tasks: - Study of the situation concerning the implementation in the Member States of the provisions on the fight against discrimination contained in the Resolution of the Council and the Ministers of Health of the Member States of 22.12.1989 examination and promotion of exchanges of information on the measures taken in the Member States to avoid or alleviate discrimination; - Analysis at EU level of actual and potential discriminatory situations in the Member States, notably in the fields of employment, insurance, housing, education and health care. Proposals can relate to part or all of an area of activity described in each of the areas. They may also be submitted for more than one area of activity. Subsidies awarded by the Commission as a result of this call for proposals will cover only a proportion of the budget for each project. In no circumstances will a 100 % grant be awarded. As a guide, the total budget for the prevention of AIDS and other transmissible diseases in 1994 is ECU 9 million. To qualify for a subsidy, all proposals received must first be evaluated. The evaluation will include an opinion by the advisory committee composed of representatives of the Member States, as is the normal procedure for identifying suitable projects for funding. Persons or organizations interested in proposing specific projects for any of the areas of activity described in the call should write to the following address for an application form: European Commission Mr. G. Gouvras DG V/F-1 Jean Monnet Building (C4/74) L-2920 Luxembourg Fax +352-430134511