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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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A guide to ICT information sources

The European Commission, DG XIII, has produced a guide to information sources on EU policies and programmes related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). There is now recognition that much greater consultation with ICT users is needed for a continued dynamic ev...

The European Commission, DG XIII, has produced a guide to information sources on EU policies and programmes related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). There is now recognition that much greater consultation with ICT users is needed for a continued dynamic evolution in the ICT industries. As a result, this guide, entitled ICT Information Sources, has been produced specifically to assist users in their relations with the relevant Commission services. The purpose of the guide, updated and distributed at regular intervals, is to provide an overview of the major sources of information on ICT policies and programmes. In addition, since the guide has been produced primarily as a reference document for user associations, the final chapter sets out a list of committees and working groups where user interests are represented.

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